Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Big, Big Change

Well Folks, a big change in my life! I have changed Churches! For a good while I have had concerns about the direction of The Church of the Brethren, The Shenandoah District and Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren in particular. Suffice it to say that organizational and theological differences became so great I felt that I needed to make a change.

This was not something I took lightly. I have only associated with two Churches in my entire life. I was raised attending the First Baptist Church of Clarendon in Arlington VA. When we moved to Bridgewater in 1967, I started to attend Evy Kaye's home Church, Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren.

Via Facebook, I had made contact with a man with whom I had worked at ComSonics.  As we chatted, it became obvious that he was a Christian.  I asked what Church he attended, and his reply was "Horizon Christian Fellowship Harrisonburg".  He told me about the service and gave me a couple of Internet links to peruse. The web site for the Harrisonburg Church was not yet active at that time.

I learned of "Horizon Christian Fellowship San Diego".  There was much information on its website.  I saw and read information about it's pastor "Mike MacIntosh".  For some reason, there was something familiar about that Church.  I contacted my niece Carol who lives in Sand Diego.  She responded that "Horizon" was the Church that she and her husband Mark were led to when the moved from Baltimore to San Diego.  She commented that the Pastor, Mike MacIntosh had been nurtured my Chuck Smith of The Calvary Chapel Church.  That gave me more leads to research.

I located "The Calvary Chapel Distinctives" written by Chuck Smith.  I downloaded the document, printed it out and studied it.  I also located a book entitled "For the Love of Mike: The Mike MacIntosh Story", downloaded it, printed it out and studied it.  It was interesting to me that the author, Sherwood Eliot Wirt was the founding editor of Billy Graham's "Decision" magazine. The foreword to the book was written by Billy Graham.  In it he writes "Mike is part of a new generation.  Unless our Lord degrees otherwise, he will be one of those chosen to carry the proclamation of the Gospel into the twenty-first century.  What an honor that will be!"

By then, I had decided that I needed to visit "Horizon Christian Fellowship Harrisonburg".  My friend Tony had told me about the service.  They gather around 10:00am.  There is fellowship, games for the kids (4 square, basketball etc), coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Then the music folks (usually 2 guitars, a drum, a keyboard and several vocalists begin praise music.

(Praise music... this was relatively new to me. When I was teaching our adult Sunday School Class at Beaver Creek, I had used a couple of Anne Graham Lotz' books. I subscribed to several of her newsletters.  One day I received notice that she was going to have a taping session for training materials at "The Thomas Road Baptist Church" in Lynchburg.  I filled out the application form and was accepted as a participant.  Interestingly  "The Thomas Road Baptist Church" is now on the campus of Liberty University.  The book for which the materials were being recorded was "The Magnificent Obsession" which is about Abraham.  There were sessions on Wednesday through Friday.  It was a wonderful experience.  To be able to interact with Anne and her staff was great.  Each day's sessions started with the singing of praise music.  I had never encountered this before.  Of course, I am not musically blessed and am probably an embarrassment to Evy Kaye when she hears me!)

"Horizon Christian Fellowship Harrisonburg" meets in The Cornerstone School facility just off Rt 11 North in Harrisonburg.  The facility has a large gymnasium/auditorium combination area.  A large curtain divides the area into halves.  On the stage side there are two large screens upon which are displayed song words, scripture texts, etc.  The musicians are in the center on a raised platform.  Seating is in fold up padded chairs arranged in 4 sections facing the lectern and musician area.

There are numerous opportunities for worship and involvement.  On Wednesday evening there are two age groups of youth activities in addition to an adult gathering.  There is a men's gathering on Friday morning (6:30am) at Greenberry's coffee shop in Harrisonburg.

The pastor is Ronnie Breen.  His roots are in Horizon Christian Fellowship San Diego. He and his wife Natalie have 4 children.  He had been the leader of YDI (Youth Development, Inc) located in Headwaters, VA.  He accepted the call to establish a Horizon Church in Harrisonburg.  This was done several years ago.

The website for the Church is now alive and contains much information. (  Each sermon audio is available to listen to.  The Church is active in many ministries...

I am very pleased with my new Church home.  The sermons are expository (teaching) rather than preaching.  When I started attending, they had just finished up the Old testament book of Genesis.  We are now working on the Gospel of John, verse by verse.  My sister-in-law Eleanor Gene Miller introduced me to the writings and sermons of John MacArthur.  He writes and teaches in the expository fashion and it really satisfies my need for learning and worship.

My guess of the average attendance is 150-200.  The organization is pastor and elders.

Since the Church is relatively new, the congregation consists of folks who were searching for a new Church home in comparison to just growing up and attending where your ancestors attended.  I find that there is a vibrant interest in the Scriptures throughout the congregation.  Many people are very learned and conversant about them.

Prayer is emphasized, encouraged and practiced. Right now, time is set aside for folks to gather and pray for about 1/2 hour before the services on Wednesday and Sunday.Interesting happening... shortly after I started attending, at the conclusion of the Sunday morning service, Pastor Ronnie asked us to gather in small groups and pray. The folks I normally sit with were involved with the youth program, so I was basically by myself sitting in the front row on the side. I was beginning to pray when I felt an arm around my shoulder. I looked and there was a young boy and he asked my name. I responded "Miles, what is your name?" He replied "Ezra". I asked, "Ezra, how old are you?" He replied "Ten.". I replied "Ezra, I am 72, it is a pleasure to meet you". He said. "Miles, I'd like to pray for you", and he did. I then said a prayer for him. Wow! I mentioned this to the Pastor's father afterward and he said that there are other children who can and do this. In all my years, I had never encountered this.

There are special programs for youth during the Sunday Morning Worship time and on Wednesday evenings.  The youth have programs for the congregation.  The Christmas program was a special treat.

I have availed myself of all opportunities to meet and worship. One evening we went Christmas Caroling at a trailer park within walking distance of the Church.  Over 70 folks participated.  We went to many of the trailers and the residents were especially pleased that we came by.

Fellowship is encouraged and practiced.  An "All Church" square dance was held at a member's barn.  A formal dance was held for the youth at the school one Saturday evening. A Christmas carry-in dinner was held after Church on the Sunday before Christmas. 

The Church makes use of the YDI facilities in Highland county.  The Horizon youth along with youth from other areas just gathered for a weekend retreat.  The men will have a weekend retreat there soon. The women had a retreat this past fall.

In addition to its local activities, members have gone to India, Mexico, Belize etc.  In March, eleven folks are going to Nicaragua and four are going to India.