Friday, February 8, 2013

My Sister Carolyn

Carolyn was 9 years older than me. Without realizing it at the time, she was my first spiritual mentor. She contracted polio in 1946 and lived in an iron lung until her death in 1955 due to kidney failure.

Captain Max Dolcater wrote a biographical story about her...

In Captain Dolcator's story he mentions an audio tape of Carolyn...

Click here to listen to Carolyn's Church meeting presentation.

  1. You will notice that her breathing is very measured, this is caused by the Iron Lung. She cannot stretch her sentences. You will also notice the ambient noise of the motor, etc of the Iron Lung.
  2. "Marian" is one of her two nurses who helped her with everything.
  3.  She uses the word "Effectual".  This is not an active word in my vocabulary.  Definition - "Able to produce a desired effect."
  4. There are several "pauses" in her talk where she is waiting for assistance.
  5. Near the end, there are some comments by our Dad about the recording.

These are some pictures of Carolyn:

Receiving her High School Diploma


Writing a letter for "The March of Dimes".
On the front porch of our house.  She is drawing or writing.

Carolyn and a young Miles.


The four Sandin kids, Carolyn, Bruce, Robert and Miles


Carolyn at Elizabeth City, NC. Our grandparent's summer place at Nixonton.


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